by Devlan Kruck | Apr 29, 2021 | Collectors
If you said ‘“Suez Canal” to anyone in the last month they’d probably think of the maritime traffic jam caused by the Evergreen tanker (although it’s called Ever Given apparently) that blocked the strategic shipping route for a week, forcing some vessels...
by Devlan Kruck | Apr 29, 2021 | Rarities
They say that if you want to discover real beauty you have to look beyond the appearance and delve beneath the surface. Well, this multi-million US$ stamp certainly provides a lesson in not judging a stamp by its looks…….find out what makes it so very beautiful and...
by Devlan Kruck | Apr 28, 2021 | News
A Removed Imprimatur in short is a missing stamp from the Imprimatur sheet. The longer explanation is whenever a printing plate of stamps was laid down, ready to be used, an impression of the entire plate on the same paper, and in the appropriate colour to be used for...
by Devlan Kruck | Apr 8, 2021 | News
What a Museum does when the appearance of the world’s most expensive stamp changes. One of the benefits of a virtual museum is the ability, or more precisely agility to adapt to change and make revisions at a click of a button in seconds, thus ensuring the most...
by Devlan Kruck | Apr 7, 2021 | News
The Museum of Philately participated in the second Virtual Stampex March 25th to 27th 2021 with an interactive philatelic extravaganza which despite it all being over now, it isn’t closed to visitors, because our Museum Tours, the Talk we hosted, as well as our booth...