The Museum of Philately participated in the second Virtual Stampex March 25th to 27th 2021 with an interactive philatelic extravaganza which despite it all being over now, it isn’t closed to visitors, because our Museum Tours, the Talk we hosted, as well as our booth are all still available ‘On Demand’ until the 28th April. So here‘s what you missed but can still enjoy at your leisure from the comfort of your own home, without the need for a facemask or hand sanitiser, and definitely no risk of catching that virus, let alone a computer virus, but you will need a web browser and a Virtual Stampex login .
The Museum of Philately thanks to our sponsors David Feldman SA had, and still have for this limited period, a booth in the Exhibit hall where you can connect with our latest collections, collectors and world rarities, as well as our brand new experts section and Blog. All you have to do is register to access the Virtual Stampex and then visit us in the exhibits hall and discover what we got up to during the three days.

On day one, Marcus Orsi and Devlan Kruck conducted the first ever virtual Museum Tour running through the various parts of the Museum and demonstrating the interconnection between a collector, their collection, and the rarities they have owned at one time and also highlighted bibliographies, articles and resources held on external websites which are linked to the Museum of Philately. You can watch this now on demand and like any live recording it does contain some unique clips and maybe one or two funnies because there are no outtakes.
On day three we were proud to host a Talk given by award winning philatelists John Davies, who’s exhibit on the 1890 Great Britain Queen Victoria Penny Postage Jubilee is on display within the Museum. John gave a Powerpoint presentation into how his collection began and over time how it was assembled into a Gold medal winning exhibit, and he gives insights into various unique issues from this period and some of the discoveries he made along the way, which are all on available to view via the Museum website. You can watch the hosted Talk by visiting the auditorium and click on Talks and you will see ‘John Davies & Museum of Philately’ and then to the right just press ‘Play’.

Also during the Virtual Stampex we shared some new content on our recently launched YouTube channel and a particularly topical item we have turned into a Museum Musing is on the 1856 British Guiana 1c Magenta which you can again watch from your desktop, tablet or even mobile phone. Please do watch and subscribe to keep up to date with our future Museum Musings, and if you have any comments or questions please do leave them via the appropriate comments or feedback sections available on our website or via the Youtube channel. And once again if you haven’t already done so here is your exclusive opportunity to sign-up for our very first Museum Newsletter, which will be going out in April. This first issue is sure to become a collectors item of the future. So don’t miss it!