A Removed Imprimatur in short is a missing stamp from the Imprimatur sheet. The longer explanation is whenever a printing plate of stamps was laid down, ready to be used, an impression of the entire plate on the same paper, and in the appropriate colour to be used for issue was submitted for approval. This sheet, when approved, and placed in the archives, was known as the ‘Imprimatur sheet’. This provided a record of each plate and each position on that plate and as long as there were no ‘missing’ positions, this provided a reference which could, amongst other things, be used to identify issued and used stamps against. For example, on the Great Britain line engraved penny black and red issues there were 240 positions (stamps) lettered AA to TL. However, some of the positions on each plate were removed from the sheet – to be sent as samples to post masters, or officials, and in some cases gifted to dignitaries – and these are known as, ‘Removed Imprimatur Positions’, and basically means there is no Imprimatur record of that particular stamp(s) with the official sheet. So an original copy of the plate impression for that position on the plate is ‘missing’ and thus known as a ‘Removed Imprimatur’.

1847 1d Red Plate 87 (AL) a Removed Imprimatur not registered with the plate but later came to light When it was put up for sale privately.
While we’re being linguistic, I’ve always wondered whether an imprimatur should be classed as a (plate) proof, or whether an imprimatur is an item which is produced after any plate proofs have been approved.
Yes, it’s a very good point. The’printing plate proof’. I guess some would argue that it is the next iteration of the proof before the issued stamps. That one final copy before it is officially sent for use.