The opening webinar, hosted by Matt Hill, Editor of Stamp Collector Magazine, and presented by Marcus Orsi and Devlan Kruck – both of David Feldman SA and the Museum of Philately, went ahead at 6:30pm on Monday 19th July 2021, titled ‘Fakes, Forgeries and Funnies’, which gave collectors all over the world the opportunity to find out more about fake stamps, how they are made, and who created them. The evening was available live for attendees and recorded so that it can be enjoyed for fourteen days online.
The webinars include a presentation, practical advice and a Q & A session. Some of the key topics covered in this inaugural event were; Sperati forgeries, postal and modern counterfeits, material enhanced for profit and regumming. The timetable and subject matter for the forthcoming webinars is:
- 16 August, 6:30pm – Fads and Fashions in Philately
- 20 September, 6:30pm – Everything you didn’t know about the world’s most famous stamp collectors
- 18 October, 6:30pm – Stamps: The Weird and Wonderful
- 22 November, 6:30pm – Who’s responsible for the world’s philatelic treasures?
You can find out more and book a place at: