Discover the collection of Sarawak : The first Forty Years 1858-1898
The book is available for purchase online.

Launching of the book “Cape of Good Hope: The Triangular Stamps”
We are delighted to announce that we are producing the first ever book published by the Museum this month on Joseph Hackmey’s Cape collection.
The Museum of Philately becomes a Non-Profit Organisation and appoints Simon Martin-Redman as its new President
The Museum of Philately, which up until recently was sponsored by David Feldman International Auctioneers, is now being re-established as a non-profit organisation in the interest of developing and promoting philately worldwide. As further demonstration of its independence from any commercial organisation it has appointed Simon Martin-Redman, the well-known and much respected international philatelist.
The Rowland Hill Medal Awarded 2022 Creative Concept by PTS
We are delighted to confirm that the Museum of Philately has won the “2022 Creative Concept of the Year” by the Philatelic Traders Society (PTS) during their winners ceremony in December.
The Rowland Hill Medal Winners
Museum of Philately Awards the Rowland Hill Medal at the prestigious stamp show Monacophil on Friday 25th November 2022, in Monte Carlo.
The Rowland Hill Medal
The ‘Rowland Hill Medal’ rewards the best philatelic collection published on the Museum of Philately.
Voting has now closed. The winner will be revealed 25.11.22
How I Got Into Exhibiting by Birthe King
Birthe King shares her story on how she got into collecting. Her exhibit Refugee Camps in Denmark 1945-1949 can be seen on the Museum of Philately now.
New Collector Highlight : Prakob Chirakiti
The Museum of Philately is delighted to showcase two of Dr Prakob Chirakiti’s collections Siam: Classic The First Issue and Siam: The Early Years.
MonacoPhil 2022 – Philately is back in Monaco!
Celebrating MonacoPhil, a highlight on what’s happening and an exclusive look at some rarities that will be on display.

The Museum of Philately is a unique digital platform that captures and preserves award winning collectors, collections and rarities, as well as providing the facility to track provenance and pricing information.