Museum of Philately at Stampex 2021

Museum of Philately at Stampex 2021

The Museum of Philately participated in the Autumn Stampex, at the end of September 2021, at the London Business Design Center in Islington, and took claim to their very own physical pitch (stand 54), with Marcus and Devlan setting the scene of our digital platform’s first venture into the show world.

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Peril, Redemption and Millions of Dollars – The Life of a Missionary

Peril, Redemption and Millions of Dollars – The Life of a Missionary

This month we feature a new collection from Steve C. Walske, called; ‘San Francisco as a Postal Hub from 1849 to 1869’ and to celebrate this important addition we take a closer look at a £2m cover which is one of the many rarities on show in this exhibit. Read more in our article: “Peril, Redemption and Millions of Dollars – The Life of a Missionary”.

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The Humble Philatelist

The Humble Philatelist

It might surprise a few people to learn that in December 2020 Thailand became the world’s number one ranked country for fixed broadband internet speeds*, beating 175 other countries to the top spot.

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Jargon Buster – Word of the Month: “EKD”

Jargon Buster – Word of the Month: “EKD”

The abbreviation ‘EKD’ is frequently used in auction catalogues, exhibits and reference books, and means ‘Earliest Known Date. In philately, and in particular Postal History, it relates to a particular stamp, cover, postmark or other associated aspect of the delivery being the earliest date recorded, whether that be an issue, country, region or service.

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The Museum at the Fully Interactive Physical Stampex

The Museum at the Fully Interactive Physical Stampex

In the wake of the exciting news that the Museum of Philately will be participating in the upcoming Stampex International Show in Islington, London, at the end of the month – bringing the virtual realm into focus in the physical world – we take a closer look at what this means and what visitors to our stand can expect. And “shhh!”, don’t tell, this will include a world exclusive announcement.

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Adventures in Philately Webinar Series

Adventures in Philately Webinar Series

The Museum of Philately teamed up with Stamp Collector Magazine and the website to deliver the first in a new five part webinar series, called ‘Adventures in Philately’, which explores and explains the world of stamps and celebrates stamp collecting.

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It’s a Long Long way to Muscat

It’s a Long Long way to Muscat

“It’s a Long Way to Tipperary” is a famous music hall song, often sung by soldiers during the wars of the early part of the twentieth century. But it’s an even longer way from Ballymackey in Tipperary to Muscat. You might wonder why we mention this fact. There isn’t much, if anything, to connect Ballymackey and Muscat.

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The Sweet and Bitter of the £5 Orange

The Sweet and Bitter of the £5 Orange

In Britain around the year 1876, a £5 Orange stamp was equivalent to about £1000 in today’s money. It makes you think what on earth could anyone send that would cost that amount of cash? But that’s not the half of it, because one of the key inspirations and ultimately the driver behind the Post Office in Great Britain producing these tangy adhesives was that someone wanted to send a telegram costing £32. 2s. 0d., which in today’s money amounts to a whopping £6000.

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The Museum of Philately is a unique digital platform that captures and preserves award winning collectors, collections and rarities, as well as providing the facility to track provenance and pricing information.