Adventures in Philately Webinar Series

Adventures in Philately Webinar Series

Experts from the Museum of Philately in partnership with Stamp Collector Magazine brings you a new and exciting webinar series. 19th July 2021 at 6.30pm Fakes, Forgeries & Funnies Whether it’s defrauding the postal authorities, or the endeavours of criminals...
The Boy Swept up by the Balloon

The Boy Swept up by the Balloon

In the realm of postal history, dates are fundamental. Ask any collector and they will tell you that in order to understand the importance of a cover, you need to know the chronological context and historical timeline. Arranging the important events into the order in...
Time Lord of Philately – Patrick Maselis

Time Lord of Philately – Patrick Maselis

The ancient race of Time Lords are extraterrestrial people who have a command of time travel and a non-linear perception of time. One of the most famous Time Lords is Doctor Who, and the eleventh incarnation of The Doctor, once went on record as saying, “1482 is a...
The Happy in a Sad Story

The Happy in a Sad Story

It’s a sad story if you start digging around the history of the Congo Free State (1885 to 1908) and there aren’t many, if any, happy stories to lift the gloom of atrocities perpetrated in the colony under the personal rule of King Leopold II. It’s easy to forget that...
The ‘Solferino’ Cover

The ‘Solferino’ Cover

What’s great about history is that events are named after something logical. For example, the 1859 Battle of Solferino takes its name from where the conflict actually took place – Solferino in Italy. It was one of the largest battles since the 1813 Battle of...