by Devlan Kruck | Jan 25, 2022 | Collection
There are moments in time when two things combine resulting in an outcome that is far greater than the sum of their separate effects. Otherwise known as synergy, and this is artfully demonstrated in philatelic history by the 1861 Greece first issue ‘Large Hermes Head’...
by Devlan Kruck | Jan 19, 2022 | Collectors
If you were told that an Italian dentist holds the crown for the world’s largest collection of human teeth you might be a bit surprised, or at least curious. This unusual fact is made even more pronounced when you learn that the dentist in question accumulated over...
by Devlan Kruck | Nov 11, 2021 | Collectors, Rarities
The year 1933 was a turbulent one around the world. There was an economical crisis worldwide and what is known as the great depression which affected most countries on the planet. Unemployment was at an all time high and in Germany, which was particularly affected,...
by Devlan Kruck | Nov 10, 2021 | Collectors, News
The Museum of Philately has launched the ‘Rowland Hill Medal’ for the best collection on the Museum. The first medal winner will be revealed at Monacophil 2022, with judging in the run up to this prestigious November show open to the public, through a straightforward...
by Devlan Kruck | Nov 10, 2021 | Collection, News
“The Great Encounter of the Solferinos” – NOTOS 2021 The NOTOS European Philatelic Exhibition is going ahead, 19th to 23rd November 2021, in Athens, Greece, and one of the events they are putting on is a rather exciting exhibit titled; “The Great Encounter of...